Baby it’s cold outside.

It’s Ohio. It’s wintertime. It’s cold. Like really really cold. And you have a photoshoot outside. In the cold. There may even be some snow involved. Guess who is going to be out there in the cold with you? Me! Do I like being cold? No! Who does? But I’ve got some great tips to prep you for a fun and cozy session!

Tip #1: Let’s start with the obvious…

Dress for it! Layer up, shop for stylish coats, scarves, hats, gloves. No matter how cute your planned outfit may be, who stands outside in the winter without a coat? It doesn’t look natural!

Boots. Boots. Boots. If it’s going to be wet, waterproof boots are a must. Once those tootsies get wet, there’s not going back.

**Bonus Tip** Throw some handwarmers in your pockets!

Ladies-teddy coats and shackets are SO cozy, fashionable and flattering on all body types. If you opt for a dress, think about pairing it with fleece lined tights! Faux fur pom hats are cozy and cute.

Men-an on trend vest or pea coat, snow hat and scarf. If you skip the jacket, layering up under an open cardigan is a fun look.

Kids-a fashionable parka style coat, cute beanie, mittens and an infinity scarf

Babies-put shoes on those little ones! Socks are likely not going to cut it in the cold weather. And who doesn’t love a baby in duck boots? A hat is a must. Bring a neutral blanket to bundle in.

Need a little help in the wardrobe department? I love to shop and have so much fun styling my clients-just ask!

Tip #2: Sounds silly, but this is a MUST.

Bring tissues-snotty noses are bound to be a part of our session, but that’s not a memory you want to have up on your wall. I cannot stress this enough. If. You. Have. Little. Ones. BRING ALL THE TISSUES!

Tip #3: Props (and booze) are totally acceptable.

Props-blankets, mugs, and a shot of fireball. Yes, I said it. Alcohol…I would never judge a little indulgence. A cozy throw can be a fun way to add a pop of color and add some variation to your photos.

Tip #4: Here comes the sun.

Wait…where’s the sun? Sure, it’s great to take pictures when the sun is glowing and warm light is everywhere, but soft diffused light is just as pretty in my opinion. A cloudy day actually makes taking pictures a whole lot easier because you don’t have to worry about uneven light or harsh shadows. You have the freedom to shoot pictures wherever you like!

Tip #5: Give me a break.

Just say the word, and we can take 5. Warm up the car and blast the heat for a few, then come back out refreshed and finish out the shoot. Or power through and plan to cozy up by the fireplace once you get home.

Tip #5: I like to move it, move it.

Get ready to move around. I will be sure to keep everyone moving and get that bloodflow going. We tend to hunch up when we are cold, but keep in the back of your mind to take a moment, a big deep breath, relax your shoulders, and breathe.

It all starts with a good attitude. Brave it. You picked to do this. Go all in. Pep talk your family. It will be cold. But it will be fun. The more cooperative everyone is, the faster the session will flow! Try not to complain. Negativity spreads, and one bad attitude can blow the session. Bring extra energy and I promise to do the same!




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